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Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today I watched a dvd called "Food Matters" and WOW this video was simply amazing and a crazy eye opener. I recommend anyone who is looking to regain their health back from almost any type of disease PLEASE go watch this video.

The people who created this educational video did such an awesome job at showing what the problem is with our current health care system, how to overcome many diseases etc. This stuff is so easy it is crazy!!! So please check out their movie you can probably get it at your local video store or you can goto this site and purchase it at the link below


The choice to buy this video or track it down is yours but GO GET THIS VIDEO regardless. If you can absorb this info and make some changes in your life you and everyone in your life will be grateful.

From this video I got this awesome quote "Good health makes lots of cents BUT not a lot of dollars" really open your mind and think about this!


Megan said...
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jonathanflanders said...

Was Megan a friend of yours, or just a PR person for this company? I've never heard of mix1.
