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Monday, August 29, 2011

SCD- Intro Diet

This is a post on a new blog I recently started where I'll cover SCD relevant info to help others out.  I know when you start SCD it can be super confusing so hopefully this info helps. I'm going to start posting more posts to help people out as much as possible as I always seem to get excessive SCD related questions. You will also notice Im repping out SCD Lifestyle Dudes Jordan and Steve because they really have created a great ebook and other tools to help people transition to SCD.

I hope you find this information useful and drop me a line with your feedback, post suggestions you name it.

Have an awesome day! 


krb said...

I am just starting the SCD Diet, and you give me hope. Thank you.

Paige said...

Hello. Anxious to read some of your posts. I would like to know where to find the ebook. Thanks!

Jem said...

It's a gr8 thing ya doing, dude. Keep up the good work!

Ambia said...

So great to find someone I can relate to, giving great advice on Crohn's. I'm new on the diet & will keep checking back in on your blog... Thanks!