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Saturday, January 14, 2012

scientific study supporting SCD DIET

IBD Pilot Study Using Diet based on SCD shows 100% Success Rate

It looks like the mainstream medical community may be finally realizing that diet is central to the cause and healing of IBD. Last May, the folks at UMass led by Barbara Olendzki published a pilot test using a diet largely based on SCD to treat IBD. Here is a link to a pdf showing the study results, and I’ve copied the abstract below. I’m sure it will take alot more to completely turn things around, but this is a major step forward. Even though this study is small, I’d say a 100% success rate is pretty good!

Conclusion: This case series indicates the potential for the IBD-AID to be used as an adjunctive or alternative therapy for the treatment of IBD. Notably, 9 out of 11 patients were able to be managed without anti-TNF therapy, and 100% of the patients had their symptoms reduced. To make clear recommendations for its use in clinical practice, randomized trials are needed alongside strategies to improve acceptability and compliance with the IBD-AID.

check the full article with results here


Jeff said...

This article is MANDATORY reading. Crohn's boy, please feature it on your site.

This IS a cure for Crohn's:


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how the diet is different to SCD?